Career Joy Is A Choice

Career Joy is a Choice

Career joy is a choice.   But, how does one opt for career joy?  It takes self-awareness, self-appreciation, gratitude, a focus on others, and a determination to control one’s life and career.  Here are a few pointers to get you going:

Self-Awareness of your strengths is the foundation of career joy. The Gallup organization which has created an easy assessment to identify your strengths,  Strengthsfinder 2.0, has defined them as a combination of talent, knowledge, and skills.  When all three are present, the result is a strength.  So, think about whether you are leveraging your talents, applying your knowledge and using your skills on a daily basis.  If you are using your strengths, then you are bound for career success and fulfillment.

If you are not, you probably are unhappy at work, dread Monday mornings, and feel stuck.  If so, determination to take action on a career move is in order.  It’s difficult to make a change because the comfort zone is an easier option.  But, the outcome of lack of career joy is poor performance.  All of a sudden your attitude goes from motivation to apathy.  Two red flags can tell you something is amiss:   an “I don’t care” attitude begins to show in your productivity, attention to detail is waning, and relationship issues begin to crop up.  Also, depression can creep into daily work and can lead to physical symptoms that make you ill.  These signs are an indicator you are very close to the precipice of losing your job.   Instead, be proactive in opting for career joy by making the hard choice to get back into the job market for something better suited to using your strengths.

Self-Appreciation is about understanding that you are unique. Your strengths, personality, and energy force are different from others.  Often we take our strengths for granted because they come easily to us.  How you use your strengths combined with your personality, the experiences you have had, and the way you navigate through challenges will be unlike anyone  Just as every snowflake is different, there is no one like you.  We tend to be tough on ourselves in the pursuit of perfection.  We beat ourselves up for what we did wrong.  We focus on the negatives more than the positives.  It’s important to appreciate what we have done right.  It’s all about progress – not perfection.   A little determination to do more self-appreciation will bring more career joy.

Gratitude takes time; and with busy lives, time is a rare commodity. Be grateful for problems disguised as an opportunity.  Be grateful for co-workers who challenge you, be grateful for families who support you.  Be grateful for the crummy boss who makes you decide to leave, be grateful for the small kindnesses extended your way every day.  Many have found success in keeping a gratitude journal.  Writing down the things that you are grateful for each evening is a great send off to sleep.  Journaling does not come easy for some, but if you have the self-determination, give it a try-on for size.  Then, if you want to go the extra mile, tell those who have helped you in your career how much you appreciate them, whether in person, a call or in a note.  It will bring you both career joy and make the relationship much richer.

Be of service to others in all you do. Careers are made up of relationships.  Building one relationship at a time yields wonderful friendships, often for a lifetime. You can reach out up or down the ladder or laterally.  Make a concerted effort to reach out to three people a week to catch up on what they are doing.  It’s about how you can be of service to them.  Not vice-versa.  Although not to say at some point, they may return the favor.  It is much more rewarding giving than receiving.   It is a dying art of keeping track of people and their lives earnestly.  Facebook and other social media are so much easier to use with a simple “like.”  But, the genuine concern, deep listening, curiosity and being there when needed is best-shown one-on-one.  Sincere relationships and doing for others will build your network into a powerhouse.  Let’s not forget mentoring others as a way of giving back your strength, knowledge, and skills.  Mentoring can change a career life forever.  The determination to keep the momentum of reaching out to three people a week will bring you career joy as you make others feel you truly care.

The inner joy of knowing and using your strengths every day, appreciating your own self, being grateful, and being of service to others will bring career success and fulfillment.  It just takes determination to make the choices that foster career joy.

To Your Career Success,

Katie Weiser

© Katie Weiser. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author/owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Katie Weiser with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

Discover Your Ideal Career

Discover Your Ideal Career

When dissatisfaction with your career begins to gnaw away at you every day, it’s a red flag telling you that you are not in your ideal job or career.  Staying passive and just keeping your head down at work will only frustrate you more. Be proactive and dive into the discovery process.  It requires an investigative mindset to conduct much-needed self-reflection, research on careers and jobs, dialogue with others, and persistence.  It won’t happen overnight with a major AHA moment.  You want to conduct your due diligence to ensure that you are making the right move into a new job or career.  Here are 10 tips to help you with the process of discovering your ideal career:

  1. Shed the inner voice that says you aren’t good enough, who do you think you are, or you’re too old. All negative fear-based thinking.  Talk back to the voice to squash it!  Remember, you are unique and have wonderful gifts to give to the world.
  2. Take time to reflect on what you love to do.  Reach back to your childhood and early years – is there something that you have submerged that can be reignited?
  3. Ask yourself – what do people compliment you on?  Often our talents are so innate that we take them for granted.  Others, however, appreciate your skills.  A great way to identify your skills is to use a quick assessment like Strengthsfinder 2.0 by Tom Rath.  It will give you your Top 5 strengths.  That’s important to know so you will look for jobs that require those strengths.
  4. Ask your friends and family – if money was not in the picture, what would they see you doing next in your career?
  5. Review your past jobs.  What did you love about them and what did you dislike?   What are the common themes?  In your next job you want to do what you like most and shed the dislikes.
  6. Carve out time to network. Get to know what other people do. You may find a career path you never thought of before. Volunteering is a great way to network.
  7. Use O*Net Online to research careers and the requirements for them.
  8. Once you have narrowed your career choices down to 3-4, interview people in those professions to determine how they got into the field, what they enjoy about the job, and any advice they may give you.  If you don’t know anyone in that profession, use LinkedIn to see if any of your friends know someone in that industry to talk to.  Most people will be happy to do an informational interview with you – remember this is not asking them for a job.
  9. If you have found a career that requires more education, talk with the chairperson of the department at a local college.  They are a wealth of knowledge on careers and the requirements for entering a degree or certificate program.
  10. Create a support team (family, mentor, coach) who you can share your innermost feelings, brainstorm and hold you accountable.

Honest introspection, following the actions above, and accountability will help you discover your ideal career.  Finding it is never a straight line, it zigs and zags.  Every person you talk with helps you to connect the dots.  So, take the time and stay focused.  Manage it just like any other project with deadlines and the outcome will bring you a new career or job that offers you challenge and fulfillment.

To Your Career Success,

Katie Weiser

© Katie Weiser. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author/owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Katie Weiser with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

Do More of What You Want By Saying No

Do More of What You Want By Saying No

It’s only by saying no that you can concentrate on the things that are really important.” Steve Jobs.

Steve Jobs knew that saying no allows you to focus on what is important to you.  Yes, we are all so bogged down with our career “have to” tasks that we cheat ourselves of the “want to”.  And, the bad news is there will always be demands placed on us at work and at home that often distract us from getting the high priority items done.  Let’s also remember as kids we are taught to never say no.  However, to do more of what you want, you must re-learn how to say “NO” to the “have to.”

Think about all the things you do daily, weekly, that you feel you don’t want to do but are still doing.  How can you break that cycle?  It isn’t easy.  Here are seven tips:

  1. Be aware. Take a sheet of paper and draw a line down the middle.  Label one side “Have To” and the other side “Want To”.  Capture your thoughts in both columns.  Does the “Have To” column overshadow your want to?  If it does, you must be feeling a lot of overwhelm and a great burden.  Work probably isn’t a lot of fun.  Awareness is the first step in making positive change.  Say Yes to self-reflection.
  2. Ask the hard questions.  Why are you really doing this with such an obligation of “have to”?  How did you wind up doing this in the first place?  Have you become a master of “have to” and a novice of “want to”?  What would be different if you did say No?  Say Yes to being honest with yourself.
  3. Reframe the “Have To”. Some “have to” on your list are about survival.   For example, if you are working for monetary reasons and it is a necessity of life, then it probably needs to stay on the list.  However, your thinking around it could change – you are working to provide support to yourself and your family.   This makes the job more palatable.  Say Yes to the family because they are really important.
  4. Be clear about your career plan. Ask whether the “have to” tasks are a part of a learning process in your career plan.  If they are, you may need to master the tasks and move on.  Say No once you excel at the tasks.
  5. Could you delegate it or dump it altogether.  What is it about the job that makes it feel like a “have to” burden?  An analysis of your work tasks might be in order to determine which activities you could delegate or dump to free up time to do what you love to do.  Say No if you can delegate or dump it.
  6. Learn the art of saying No.  Focus your work and personal life around your wants and make commitments to do them more.  That means having to say no to people in order to make time for the activities that you love or to spend more time with certain people and not others.  No has a negative connotation.  However, saying it in a way that suggests you would if you could makes it easier.  For example, I would love to help you with that (charity work) (committee) (project), but right now I have a full plate – check with me in a few months.  It is an acquired skill which includes seeing where the other person is coming from and being able to tell them why you are saying no.  Say No to activities that are going to stretch the limits of your time.
  7. Drop the guilt. Yes, it is difficult saying no to our colleagues, family, and friends.  We always feel it is going to damage the relationship in some way.  But, if you can’t give it your all, what will they think of you in the end when you are not at your 100% best.  Realize that saying “No” frees you up to do more of what you want to do.  Say No to guilt.

Remember that we have fewer and fewer days as we get older.  There are only a finite number of days left.  Take those years and work your own agenda to make your own heart sing with the “Wants.”  Say no to everyone else’s agenda if it doesn’t strike a chord with you.  Take time for yourself and stand up for yourself – just say NO.

To Your Career Success,

Katie Weiser

© Katie Weiser. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author/owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Katie Weiser with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

Love Your Career All Over Again?

Love Your Career All Over Again?

One of my favorite HGTV shows is “Love It or List It”.  The two conceptual questions are:

  1. What changes could be made to your home by a professional designer, based upon your pre-determined budget, would cause you to “love” your current home and stay?
  2. What home could a realtor show you that would meet your requirements and be in your price range that would cause you to “list” your current home and buy the new house?

Case in Point:  These two concepts made me think about so many of my clients who are struggling with “loving or listing” their current job.  If a job opportunity does not arise quickly after previewing and interviewing, what can one do to “love” the current job?

Here are 6 steps you can take to turn your current job into one you want to keep…

  1. Create a blueprint.  Take time to list out on paper what changes would make you happier at work – use your plan to take action steps to propel you forward.  Focusing on what you want is an energy booster and often results in exactly what you asked for.
  2. Deconstruct existing thinking.  What current thoughts and feelings about your work are contributing to bad feelings about your job and leading you to inaction?  What new thought could you use to replace the old thought that would lead you to a different way of feeling about your job which would result in positive action?  Only you can control your thoughts.
  3. Sharpen your saw.  Stephen Covey taught this principle.  Perfect your craft, be excellent at what you do currently at work and be proud.  It could lead to recognition or a promotion.
  4. Build new infrastructure.  Expand your relationships at work.  Take at least one person to lunch a week – preferably off campus.  Volunteer for company events and special community projects.  You will be surprised at the different perspectives there are on life at work and you may make some life-long friends and build your network.
  5. Keep hammering. Even when it seems like the job dissatisfaction will never end; make the decision to invest more of yourself than you anticipated so you can check off the items on your “job happiness” list as done.
  6. Home sweet home.  Take time to think about all the wonderful things about your job.  We often focus on the 3% of what we don’t like about our jobs. What about the 97% that is working for us?

Moral of the story: See if you can fall in love with your job all over again before you “list it.”

To Your Career Success,

Katie Weiser

© Katie Weiser. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author/owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Katie Weiser with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

Do You Have a Strategic Career Plan?

Do You Have A Strategic Career Plan

Strategic career planning often conjures up groans when I talk with my clients.  They think it is complex, a pain to do, and not necessary since things change so quickly.  So often in our careers, we just wind up in a job that carries us forward year after year.  We don’t often pause to think about creating a 5-10 year career strategy.  From time to time, it is critical though, to take stock of your career and assess where you want to be in the future.   A career strategy will get you from where you are today to where you want to be in several years.  

To start your career planning, establish 5 year and 10 year time frames.  Ready to get started?  Below are eight key questions to ask yourself.  I recommend writing down your answers so that you get a clearer picture and keep it on hand so you can review it every six months to monitor progress.

What’s Your Career VISION?  This is a statement of what you will be doing in five and then ten years from now?  It should paint a picture of the impact that you will make through your work.  Your vision statement should inspire you.

What’s your DEFINITION OF SUCCESS?  Everyone’s definition is different.  Is it wealth, power, contentment, fulfillment?

What are your VALUES?  These are the guideposts for your life that you want honored at work.  Things like integrity, respect, security, family, independence.  Everyone has their non-negotiable values list.

What are your STRENGTHS?  Think about what you do at work that makes you lose track of time.  That’s a sign that you are using a strength which is the combination of talent, knowledge and skills.  You will want to do more of this.

What would be your ideal LIFESTYLE?  Are you able to do all the things you would like to do in your life?  Maybe it is having a family, going on exotic vacations, owning a home, exercising daily.

What is your COMPENSATION progression?  Put an actual number down for both the 5 and 10 year plan.  Think BIG!

What is your WORK/LIFE BALANCE?  Do you care if it feast or famine, would you prefer a flexible work arrangement, is it 9-5?

What’s your LEGACY?  At the end of your life what do you want to be known for – it’s your personal Brand.  How will you make a difference?

To Your Career Success,

Katie Weiser

© Katie Weiser. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author/owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Katie Weiser with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

5 Secrets to Manage Change at Work

5 Secrets To Manage Change At Work

One of the toughest things about change in the workplace is that there is a lot of resistance to it.  Resistance is all about not truly understanding why the change has come about.  It’s not unusual to hear employees ask:  “Why can’t we stay in the status quo?”

It’s helpful when leaders take the time to explain to employees the “why” of change and to paint the picture of how the change is going to increase revenue, improve employee satisfaction, or make things run more smoothly.

If you are one of those employees who is resisting the change or a manager responsible for making change happen…below are five tips to help yourself or others move along the spectrum of acceptance.

1.  Ask for understanding.  Talk with a manager or supervisor to understand the bigger picture.  Discuss how the change is going to affect your job.  You may find that it does not which may be a relief.  If it does, then ask some probing questions:

  • How specifically will the processes or procedures you use now be changed?
  • What is the time frame for the “new” ways to take effect?
  • What training will be required of you?

Having this knowledge will help alleviate concerns.  Be proactive, don’t listen to the gossip going around the company of how “bad” this is going to be.  Straight answers from your manager or supervisor are the best.

2.  Focus on what you are gaining, not what you are losing.  In times of change, everyone focuses on what they are losing.  Often, change can be a welcome job enhancer by moving out of a comfort zone and into a stretch zone. It could also use talent that plays to your strengths.  New work relationships may result if there is restructuring going on.  So, re-frame a perceived loss by asking what am I gaining?

3.  Be patient with yourself. Learning anything new takes time.  You may find yourself working crazy hours because there is a steep learning curve.  But, in six weeks time – it will become the new normal.  Cut yourself some slack.

4.  Be an advocate for the change.  Those around you will be struggling with resistance.  Misery loves company.  Stay out of the complaining and whining that others do.  Help colleagues to understand the big picture.  Step out and be a leader yourself in helping make the change happen.

5.  Take care of yourself.  Change is stressful and it takes a toll on the body.  This is the time to hit the gym, take a walk, meditate, reflect, eat healthy.  Taking care of the body, helps the brain to also chill out.

The old saying goes, change is inevitable, growth is optional.  So true.  Change can be viewed as an opportunity to reach a higher potential. Growth always includes some kind of change and learning.  So, take the time to understand, focus on the gain, be patient, be an advocate and take care of self.  Change is always around the corner — go with the flow!

If you need help with navigating change, take advantage of my 6 part Thriving in the Midst of Change…Career and Life audio series on change which contains over 25 tips on how you can master change in both your career and life.  Each audio is 7-10 minutes long and comes in an MP3 format which is downloadable and accessible on any mobile device.  It’s easy, click here for instant access to Thriving in the Midst of Change…Career and Life!

To Your Career Success,

Katie Weiser

© Katie Weiser. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author/owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Katie Weiser with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

Career Skills Wanted

Career Skills Wanted

Nonprofits are the stomping ground for workers who want to make a difference and be a part of a larger effort for the greater good. Working as a team, volunteers bring diverse skills, expertise and passion as they work towards a common vision.

In a nonprofit environment, your unique career skills are gold.  And, while they are not handing out any gold to line your pockets, know that the sense of accomplishment and appreciation can far outweigh the paycheck.

There are many reasons to volunteer your time and talent.  The times during a career when volunteering is an opportunity are:

  • When you are out of a job.  You are at loose ends and miss the daily structure you had before. Sometimes it takes months to find another job. Volunteering could be your key to sanity and in filling a work gap on your resume.
  • When you are headed for retirement.  You now want to do something meaningful — consider an organization that tugs at your heart strings. A local charity could provide full time employment and keep you very busy.
  • When you are still at work.   You feel you want to be a part of a bigger effort. Squeeze in a few hours a month and feel the joy that comes from making a difference, even on a smaller scale.  This is also a network booster – you meet many more people who may be instrumental in helping you land a different job in the future.
  • When it’s a company effort.  Take a stand and lead your company to rally around a local charity by donating to it or taking a company day and selecting a much needed community project. Ideas include everyone cleaning up a local park, reading to nursing home residents, painting a playground, planting flowers, etc.  Many companies are doing this; and they often receive favorable press which is great free advertising.  In addition, you meet new people in your company – you have expanded yourself beyond your group or division silo.

You would be surprised at what services nonprofits might need; your skills may be just what they’re looking for.  The return on your investment is priceless.  As Nike says, “Just do it.”

To Your Career Success,

Katie Weiser

© Katie Weiser. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author/owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Katie Weiser with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

Create Your Bucket List Now Before It’s Too Late

Create Your Bucket List Now Before It's Too Late

In 2007, the movie “The Bucket List” was released starring Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman. It is about two men who, terminally ill with cancer, escape from the hospital with their wish list so they can fulfill the list before they die. The title is derived from the term “kicks the bucket” a phrase that dates back to at least 1785. The lesson of the movie is that it’s never too late to live your dreams and desires.

We all have unfulfilled dreams and desires. Why wait till tragedy strikes? Psychologists will tell you that creating a bucket list is actually very good for your mental health!

Even for very successful people, resentment, anger and/or regret may set in when they begin a life review of what their heart really wanted to do. It could be things like “going to Paris,” “kayaking down the Colorado River” or “learning to sail.”

Developing a bucket list is a great way to allay those negative feelings as well as put those wants and dreams onto a big “to do” list.  It’s also a visual way to “see” your dreams on paper and start making them a reality. For many people, just making their list is cathartic and can help to put their mind and their thoughts in a better place. Collaborating on a bucket list with your spouse or significant other can also be a great way to get to know each other better. Indeed, some of the things that you find out about each other might be quite surprising.

This week, create your own career and life bucket list. Even if you’re not close to retirement, I highly recommend setting yourself up for success by thinking long term. Think about your career, what you want to do after your career, and how your current professional life can help support that. Whether it’s through savings, a promotion or changing industries.  Perhaps there is an encore career you wish to pursue.

Creating Your Bucket List

Use this exercise as a visioning, creative process. While there are really no set rules when creating your list, below are some helpful tips. Remember the more specific you are, the more likely it is to happen.

  • Find a quiet place to think and reflect.
  • Take three slow deep breaths and ask yourself “Three years after working non-stop my entire life, I will…”
  • Sit and wait for inspiration to flow through you. It may take time, be patient with yourself.
  • Write down everything that comes to you. Just let your thoughts flow, think big and small. This is your list so do not hold back your desires or edit your thoughts at this point.You can use pen and paper or your tablet or smart phone.
  • You may want to take several days to complete this list as new, more exciting ideas may keep popping up.
  • Once you feel your list is complete, you may want to use a numerical system to denote how important an item is. For example, “seeing Paris” might be number five on the list while “learning to speak French” might be number one.
  • For greater clarity, break it down into years one, two and three.

Creating Your Action Plan

  • Ask yourself what steps need to be in place in order to make these dreams come true?
  • Capture your “activation steps” beside each bucket list item. This turns it into action vs. a static list.
  • Create a timeline for each item. Is it to be accomplished in a few days, months or longer?
  • Keep your list handy. Think of your list as a work in progress. You will always be adding to it over the years.
  • Share it with others. but only with people you trust will support you and your dreams. We all have naysayers in our lives. It’s important to keep them away from crushing your dreams. This also gives you more accountability once it’s public.
  • Finally, be sure to keep your list in a visible place so you can revisit it daily and stay focused on accomplishing what you want.

Have fun with this exercise! Remember, if you’re stuck getting started on any part of your career/life journey, you don’t have to go it alone.  Please contact me for a FREE Strategy Session.  It’s time to put LIFE into your dreams and desires!

To Your Career Success,
Katie Weiser

© Katie Weiser. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author/owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Katie Weiser with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

The five stages to leave the ‘old’ behind in a career transition

The Five Stages to Leave the Old Behind in Career Transition

With any change in your life, including a professional change, there is loss – even if the change is good.  And loss must be grieved so you can leave the ‘old’ behind and move into the ‘new’ in a healthy way. Keep this in mind when change happens to you in your career, as well as in your personal life.

Career transitions can have a big impact on us because our jobs can be such a big part of our lives. So be pro-active and prepare yourself beforehand when possible, for a major career transition.

Most grief professionals agree that the grieving process consists of five stages that must be addressed in order to move on.  Here are the five stages:

  1. Denial– Not accepting that it’s really happening.  John was dumbfounded when he learned his two best friends were fired.  He got very caught up in their stories and often said “I can’t believe it” and bad mouthed the company for what it had done.
  2. Bargaining– Believing that with negotiation or adjustment it can go back to the way it used to be.   John was affected directly by additional responsibility which he told his boss he could not take on.  That met with skepticism which made John realize that he had better accept the new normal of wearing two hats.
  3. Anger– Feeling that the situation is “unfair”.  John confided in his wife every night that the firings and the additional work he had to take on was unfair.  She tried to console him, but he was very angry.
  4. Sadness– Feeling lost, alone, or vulnerable.  John’s days at work were lonely without his best buddies around, he missed them.  He found some of the new work was a stretch for him and he worried about whether he could master it.
  5. Acceptance– Realizing that things will not go back to the way they were, and it is time to move on.  Coaching through the above emotions and helping John understand that it is natural to have these feelings helped him to finally accept that he had to get with the program and that it was a new era for the company and for him.  It was okay to feel good about the job again because he was learning new things and ways of doing them.  And, even though he still missed his friends, he realized that commiserating with them, did not help him or them.

Moving through these five phases can take time.  It’s important to first understand that you must go through each of these phases and second, allow yourself to do so.  It is only then that you are ready to move forward.

If you need help with navigating change, take advantage of my 6 part Thriving in the Midst of Change…Career and Life audio series on change which contains over 25 tips on how you can master change in both your career and life.  Each audio is 7-10 minutes long and comes in an MP3 format that is downloadable and accessible on any mobile device.  It’s easy, click here for instant access to Thriving in the Midst of Change…Career and Life!

To Your Career Success,
Katie Weiser

© Katie Weiser. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author/owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Katie Weiser with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.