Do You Have a Strategic Career Plan?

Do You Have A Strategic Career Plan

Strategic career planning often conjures up groans when I talk with my clients.  They think it is complex, a pain to do, and not necessary since things change so quickly.  So often in our careers, we just wind up in a job that carries us forward year after year.  We don’t often pause to think about creating a 5-10 year career strategy.  From time to time, it is critical though, to take stock of your career and assess where you want to be in the future.   A career strategy will get you from where you are today to where you want to be in several years.  

To start your career planning, establish 5 year and 10 year time frames.  Ready to get started?  Below are eight key questions to ask yourself.  I recommend writing down your answers so that you get a clearer picture and keep it on hand so you can review it every six months to monitor progress.

What’s Your Career VISION?  This is a statement of what you will be doing in five and then ten years from now?  It should paint a picture of the impact that you will make through your work.  Your vision statement should inspire you.

What’s your DEFINITION OF SUCCESS?  Everyone’s definition is different.  Is it wealth, power, contentment, fulfillment?

What are your VALUES?  These are the guideposts for your life that you want honored at work.  Things like integrity, respect, security, family, independence.  Everyone has their non-negotiable values list.

What are your STRENGTHS?  Think about what you do at work that makes you lose track of time.  That’s a sign that you are using a strength which is the combination of talent, knowledge and skills.  You will want to do more of this.

What would be your ideal LIFESTYLE?  Are you able to do all the things you would like to do in your life?  Maybe it is having a family, going on exotic vacations, owning a home, exercising daily.

What is your COMPENSATION progression?  Put an actual number down for both the 5 and 10 year plan.  Think BIG!

What is your WORK/LIFE BALANCE?  Do you care if it feast or famine, would you prefer a flexible work arrangement, is it 9-5?

What’s your LEGACY?  At the end of your life what do you want to be known for – it’s your personal Brand.  How will you make a difference?

To Your Career Success,

Katie Weiser

© Katie Weiser. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author/owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Katie Weiser with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

Career Skills Wanted

Career Skills Wanted

Nonprofits are the stomping ground for workers who want to make a difference and be a part of a larger effort for the greater good. Working as a team, volunteers bring diverse skills, expertise and passion as they work towards a common vision.

In a nonprofit environment, your unique career skills are gold.  And, while they are not handing out any gold to line your pockets, know that the sense of accomplishment and appreciation can far outweigh the paycheck.

There are many reasons to volunteer your time and talent.  The times during a career when volunteering is an opportunity are:

  • When you are out of a job.  You are at loose ends and miss the daily structure you had before. Sometimes it takes months to find another job. Volunteering could be your key to sanity and in filling a work gap on your resume.
  • When you are headed for retirement.  You now want to do something meaningful — consider an organization that tugs at your heart strings. A local charity could provide full time employment and keep you very busy.
  • When you are still at work.   You feel you want to be a part of a bigger effort. Squeeze in a few hours a month and feel the joy that comes from making a difference, even on a smaller scale.  This is also a network booster – you meet many more people who may be instrumental in helping you land a different job in the future.
  • When it’s a company effort.  Take a stand and lead your company to rally around a local charity by donating to it or taking a company day and selecting a much needed community project. Ideas include everyone cleaning up a local park, reading to nursing home residents, painting a playground, planting flowers, etc.  Many companies are doing this; and they often receive favorable press which is great free advertising.  In addition, you meet new people in your company – you have expanded yourself beyond your group or division silo.

You would be surprised at what services nonprofits might need; your skills may be just what they’re looking for.  The return on your investment is priceless.  As Nike says, “Just do it.”

To Your Career Success,

Katie Weiser

© Katie Weiser. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author/owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Katie Weiser with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

Create Your Bucket List Now Before It’s Too Late

Create Your Bucket List Now Before It's Too Late

In 2007, the movie “The Bucket List” was released starring Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman. It is about two men who, terminally ill with cancer, escape from the hospital with their wish list so they can fulfill the list before they die. The title is derived from the term “kicks the bucket” a phrase that dates back to at least 1785. The lesson of the movie is that it’s never too late to live your dreams and desires.

We all have unfulfilled dreams and desires. Why wait till tragedy strikes? Psychologists will tell you that creating a bucket list is actually very good for your mental health!

Even for very successful people, resentment, anger and/or regret may set in when they begin a life review of what their heart really wanted to do. It could be things like “going to Paris,” “kayaking down the Colorado River” or “learning to sail.”

Developing a bucket list is a great way to allay those negative feelings as well as put those wants and dreams onto a big “to do” list.  It’s also a visual way to “see” your dreams on paper and start making them a reality. For many people, just making their list is cathartic and can help to put their mind and their thoughts in a better place. Collaborating on a bucket list with your spouse or significant other can also be a great way to get to know each other better. Indeed, some of the things that you find out about each other might be quite surprising.

This week, create your own career and life bucket list. Even if you’re not close to retirement, I highly recommend setting yourself up for success by thinking long term. Think about your career, what you want to do after your career, and how your current professional life can help support that. Whether it’s through savings, a promotion or changing industries.  Perhaps there is an encore career you wish to pursue.

Creating Your Bucket List

Use this exercise as a visioning, creative process. While there are really no set rules when creating your list, below are some helpful tips. Remember the more specific you are, the more likely it is to happen.

  • Find a quiet place to think and reflect.
  • Take three slow deep breaths and ask yourself “Three years after working non-stop my entire life, I will…”
  • Sit and wait for inspiration to flow through you. It may take time, be patient with yourself.
  • Write down everything that comes to you. Just let your thoughts flow, think big and small. This is your list so do not hold back your desires or edit your thoughts at this point.You can use pen and paper or your tablet or smart phone.
  • You may want to take several days to complete this list as new, more exciting ideas may keep popping up.
  • Once you feel your list is complete, you may want to use a numerical system to denote how important an item is. For example, “seeing Paris” might be number five on the list while “learning to speak French” might be number one.
  • For greater clarity, break it down into years one, two and three.

Creating Your Action Plan

  • Ask yourself what steps need to be in place in order to make these dreams come true?
  • Capture your “activation steps” beside each bucket list item. This turns it into action vs. a static list.
  • Create a timeline for each item. Is it to be accomplished in a few days, months or longer?
  • Keep your list handy. Think of your list as a work in progress. You will always be adding to it over the years.
  • Share it with others. but only with people you trust will support you and your dreams. We all have naysayers in our lives. It’s important to keep them away from crushing your dreams. This also gives you more accountability once it’s public.
  • Finally, be sure to keep your list in a visible place so you can revisit it daily and stay focused on accomplishing what you want.

Have fun with this exercise! Remember, if you’re stuck getting started on any part of your career/life journey, you don’t have to go it alone.  Please contact me for a FREE Strategy Session.  It’s time to put LIFE into your dreams and desires!

To Your Career Success,
Katie Weiser

© Katie Weiser. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author/owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Katie Weiser with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.