Do You Have a Strategic Career Plan?

Do You Have A Strategic Career Plan

Strategic career planning often conjures up groans when I talk with my clients.  They think it is complex, a pain to do, and not necessary since things change so quickly.  So often in our careers, we just wind up in a job that carries us forward year after year.  We don’t often pause to think about creating a 5-10 year career strategy.  From time to time, it is critical though, to take stock of your career and assess where you want to be in the future.   A career strategy will get you from where you are today to where you want to be in several years.   read more

5 Secrets to Manage Change at Work

5 Secrets To Manage Change At Work

One of the toughest things about change in the workplace is that there is a lot of resistance to it.  Resistance is all about not truly understanding why the change has come about.  It’s not unusual to hear employees ask:  “Why can’t we stay in the status quo?”

It’s helpful when leaders take the time to explain to employees the “why” of change and to paint the picture of how the change is going to increase revenue, improve employee satisfaction, or make things run more smoothly. read more

Career Skills Wanted

Career Skills Wanted

Nonprofits are the stomping ground for workers who want to make a difference and be a part of a larger effort for the greater good. Working as a team, volunteers bring diverse skills, expertise and passion as they work towards a common vision.

In a nonprofit environment, your unique career skills are gold.  And, while they are not handing out any gold to line your pockets, know that the sense of accomplishment and appreciation can far outweigh the paycheck. read more

The Interview Conversation Starter ( Question )

The Interview Conversation Starter (Question)

Interviewers love to start the conversation with “tell me a little bit about yourself.” I count it as the # 1 interview question.  It can be intimidating to talk about yourself immediately!

It is also a great opportunity for you to begin strong and shine. Here are a few tips on how to respond to this seemingly small talk inquiry.

Be prepared.  Write out your response in advance so it does not seem awkward when you start talking.  Just the simple act of writing out your answer will help you remember what you want to say, and you won’t fumble at the beginning of the interview. read more

Create Your Bucket List Now Before It’s Too Late

Create Your Bucket List Now Before It's Too Late

In 2007, the movie “The Bucket List” was released starring Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman. It is about two men who, terminally ill with cancer, escape from the hospital with their wish list so they can fulfill the list before they die. The title is derived from the term “kicks the bucket” a phrase that dates back to at least 1785. The lesson of the movie is that it’s never too late to live your dreams and desires.

We all have unfulfilled dreams and desires. Why wait till tragedy strikes? Psychologists will tell you that creating a bucket list is actually very good for your mental health! read more


Retirement Without An Identity Crisis

If you are still in the world of gainful employment or in your own business, you probably think you are too busy to think about retirement – after all, it is 3-7 years out.  Or, you feel that you can just figure it out when you retire because you will have all the time in the world then.  Be careful, that thinking can unexpectedly create an identity crisis!

Case in Point:  My friend, Karen, was planning on retiring in 2019 – 5 years from now and had not thought about what retirement would look and feel like or what she might do.  Then, life just handed her a curve ball.  Her company decided that it was “her time” to leave and offered her a package to go not in five years, but … now! read more

The five stages to leave the ‘old’ behind in a career transition

The Five Stages to Leave the Old Behind in Career Transition

With any change in your life, including a professional change, there is loss – even if the change is good.  And loss must be grieved so you can leave the ‘old’ behind and move into the ‘new’ in a healthy way. Keep this in mind when change happens to you in your career, as well as in your personal life.

Career transitions can have a big impact on us because our jobs can be such a big part of our lives. So be pro-active and prepare yourself beforehand when possible, for a major career transition. read more