Why do we procrastinate around keeping our resumes up to date? Six reasons that will resonate with you are:
- It is a struggle. Drafts and rewrites of updated experience and skills take too much time, and you have more pressing work to get done.
- Resume style standards keep changing. How do you know what is the latest and greatest? Are objectives at the top of a resume, old school? Are resumes submitted on-line in a different format from a printed version?
- Skill sets are a moving target. What is hot today may not be tomorrow. So, I might as well wait till I need a resume to emphasize my latest expertise.
- You are in a good place. You feel good about your job and see a future with the company.
- It is pricey. It can be costly to hire a professional writer.
- Out of sight, out of mind. It is easy to stash your resume away in your bottom drawer and forget about it.